About Me


Since 2022 I’m with the Softwerker Cast. I’m moderating, planing the content and organize the interviews. Subscribe at podfollow.com.



Skills proven in professional projects

FocusPlatform Engineering, Green IT
WorkshopsRequirements Workshopss, Technical Workshops, Architecture Reviews, Assessments
CI/CDGitlab Pipelines, Github Actions, Azure DevOps, Tekton, Jenkins
PlatformsContainers, Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, on-prem Solutions
ServerTomcat, Jetty, Nginx, Traefik, Apache
ModellingUML, BPMN, OpenAPI and more Tool-specific Notations
LanguagesJava/Kotlin Spring Ecosystem, TypeScript with NestJS, Angular and React, Python, HTML
PersistenceOracle SQL with PL/SQL, DynamoDB, Streaming Architectures with e.g. Redis and Kafka
ToolingAWS CDK, Ansible, Terraform, Vault, Helm, Keda, maven, gradle, npm
GitOpsFlux2, ArgoCD in einer Pipeline mit Gitlab and Tekton
ObservabilityELK Stack, Grafana, Datadog, Instana


Find me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marco-paga/.